Makai Breeze or Mauka Air...Which is your choice?
Let me talk about how did these products are made.
Do you remember when we had lock down in Hawaii last year? It was March last year. We also started to wear the mask on. My daughter was 4 years old at that time and she said "I don't want to wear the mask. I can't breathe.". But I wanted her to wear the mask to protect from virus. Then I made these Mask spray for her. Of course she was the most testimonial. I made an alcohol free spray when said "I don't like the smells of alcohol.". After that, she said "I don't smell anything.", " My throat is tingling."... She helped me a lot to make these 100% natural mask spray. Finally, she satisfied to this product and people asked me about it.
I blended two different mask spray as an image of Hawaii. Then I had an opportunity to be a vendor of popupmakeke. I sold more than 100 of mask spray through this awesome online popup.I am so glad these mask spray are helping people all over. I have a confidence that my mask spray is different as others. You will tell differences when you spray it on your mask.
Makai Breezeと Mauka Airのどちらがお好みですか。
